BART-Caltrain Connection: Another Way?
LoopWorks Presents 5-Year Update to Public
Candidates Invited to Support Milpitas Advanced Transit Project
Milpitas Chamber of Commerce Supports Advanced Transit Project
LoopWorks Responds to Candidate Questions
LoopWorks is pursuing a promising solution to our Climate Crisis that also mitigates traffic congestion – Personal Rapid Transit (PRT). The proposed $60M public transit infrastructure will benefit Milpitas residents in many ways. So, candidates were asked about their level of support. All 24 candidates vying to represent Milpitas residents in various government bodies were […]
Milpitas Candidates Declare Their Support for Advanced Transit Project
Transit Project Support Level Sought from Milpitas Candidates
LoopWorks Supports the City’s Climate Action Plan – and More!
LoopWorks strongly supports the Milpitas CAP Update which lays out a balanced and achievable plan for Milpitas to do its part to solve our Climate Crisis. In particular, 3 strategies address our City’s transportation CO2 emissions: Facilitate Sustainable Transportation and Land Use Planning Decarbonize Vehicles Increase Active and Public Transportation Use LoopWorks’ vision of electric […]
Smart Personal Transit Station Design & Art Contest Winners Announced
Milpitas High School students submitted 86 entries depicting stations for the smart transit project planned for the Metro Area of Milpitas. Green Design and Architecture teacher Paul Okoye collaborated with sponsor, Loopworks, to engage students in a real-world, local transit project using Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) technology. Of the entries submitted, 7 were selected for […]