Candidates vying to represent Milpitas voters received emails this week about their efforts on behalf of the Milpitas Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) project being shared with voters.
PRT promises quicker, easier, and safer transit service at lower operating costs than current options. Proposed by LoopWorks for the Metro Area of Milpitas, the project is needed because the Metro Area is divided by 2 major roads, 2 rail lines, and 2 creeks. As an elevated transit system with many small neighborhood stations, PRT can bridge those barriers like a horizontal elevator.
Many Milpitas voters want the PRT Demonstration Project around the Great Mall and BART Transit Center – thousands because they live in that Metro area, others for a variety of reasons including environmental. Using various communication channels, LoopWorks will inform voters which candidates support the project – and how. Voters who care about public transit convenience, equity for their community, or solving our Climate Crisis may prefer candidates who support a project that promises such a high return on investment.
Candidates are invited into a conversation about PRT technology, the demonstration project, LoopWorks governance, and the benefits to the City, its residents, and the world. Those benefits include safer transit, increased City revenue, and the potential to grow the system to serve most of Milpitas – including connecting the new Innovation Campus with Milpitas High School.
To start candidate’s thinking about opportunities, the invitation included an initial list of actions they could take to support the PRT project. LoopWorks President, Paul Okoye, observed that “some actions are quite simple and easy to accomplish. So, we expect even more support than the project received from 2022 candidates.” Okoye said the proposed $60M public transit infrastructure will also benefit Milpitas residents and workers. He urged anyone interested in the future of Milpitas to watch the 4-minute video about PRT technology, the project, and the vision LoopWorks sees for the Metro Area.
LoopWorks is a non-profit mutual-benefit corporation with a governance structure that is local, democratic, and balanced. For more information, visit or email Find the full email at
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