Sierra Club supports Milpitas PRT

In their letter of support, the Sierra Club stated: Our Transportation Committee’s review of the project and governance structure show that it will both involve and benefit the residents of Milpitas. … In addition, with 12 stations serving the high-density area around the BART Transit Center, this transit investment by LoopWorks could support all 5 […]

Comments on Milpitas Metro Specific Plan

Milpitas Metro Specific Plan comments from LoopWorks On behalf of LoopWorks, I offer the following comments with the intention of supporting the mission/vision for the Milpitas Metro Specific Plan. Around us, you can see the electrification of our transportation sector. Whether BART, LRT, Teslas, or electric bikes and scooters, the shift away from fossil fuels […]

LoopWorks Embraces Community-Controlled Governance

LoopWorks takes the next step toward a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system serving the Milpitas Metro Area. “This Milpitas PRT project will reduce automobile use and Milpitas’ carbon footprint while saving hours of commute time each year” states President Matt Kennedy. The Board voted to approve a democratic and cooperative model to govern future corporate […]

Comments on Dumbarton Corridor Project

Subject: Public Input to Dumbarton Rail Corridor ProjectTo: San Mateo County Transit District Board members, During my 17 years in the electric transportation business, I came across another class of electric transport – Personal Rapid Transit (PRT). Over the years, I learned a lot about PRT and other advanced transit systems. Thus, I was […]

LoopWorks’ Search for President Successful

MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release: March 15, 2021 Contact: Rob Means, LoopWorks’ Search for President Successful After a multi-month search, LoopWorks is pleased to announce that a President has been selected. Morgan Hill resident Matt Kennedy will be the public presence of LoopWorks as the company works to create an advanced transit system. Designed […]